Saturday, 5 November 2011

Wagan Tech 4-in-1 Xtreme Power Review -

Wagan Tech 4-in-1 Xtreme Power Review - On YouTube. Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information. Today we are going to cover part number WC02051 from Wagan Tech. This is their 4-in-1 Xtreme Power. This is a great device to have in your emergency kit in your car, simply because it comes standard with an air compressor and also a jump start feature. We will cover some more of the features in depth here. This provides 400 cranking amps of electricity to start your dead battery. It comes with industrial-quality, 4-gauge cables with heavy-duty clamps. And the next part we will talk about is the air compressor. It provides up to 275 psi of high-powered air pressure. It has a quick flow rate that can inflate a 16-inch tire in up to 5 or 7 minutes. It does come with a 1-1/2 foot, high-pressure air hose with quick-release valve connector, and it also comes with little adapters for it, too. It comes with a nozzle for inflating air beds or water toys. It has a needle adapter for sports equipment like soccer balls. And also there is a little adapter for bicycle tires. If you have Presta-type tube on your bicycle you have an adapter where you can use this where it converts it to a Schrader type and you can use the air compressor on that to fill up your tires. And the third feature is a detachable DC-to-AC power inverter, and this provides 150 watts of continuous power and up to intermittent 500-watt peak surge power. It includes one grounded AC ...

Tags:, 02051, wc02051, wagen, tech, four, one, xtreme, extreme, power, emergency, supply, kit, battery, air, compressor, inverter, AC, DC, auto, jump, starter

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