Monday, 7 November 2011

Tomb Raider lll - RX - Tech Mines walkthrough (part 3 of 3)

Tomb Raider lll - RX - Tech Mines walkthrough (part 3 of 3) On YouTube.

UPPER LEVEL MINE CAR: Before heading out, use your crowbar to open the door at the end of the walkway near where you entered. Inside you'll find a LEAD ACID BATTERY. And, if you didn't do it earlier, return to SECRET AREA #1. If you followed the walkthrough for the middle level, the inner door will be open. This is SECRET #2. There's a mutant inside, along with a save/power-up crystal, MP5 and Desert Eagle clips. Climb back out the way you came and safety-drop to the ground. Now head up to the upper level mine car. Ride the mine car up a hill and down the other side. Don't brake for the curve or you won't be able to get up enough speed to jump the gap. Duck under the girders and drills. Continue into a cave where the car will stop. Pick up the flares on the snowbank ahead to the left. Jump over to the WINCH. Place the battery in the opening on the side. Climb onto the top platform (facing the arm) and use the winch starter to get it going. This will lower the yellow submersible. Now comes the hard part. In the pool below the winch platform, there's a single yellow light on the wall. Dive in and swim down toward that light and into the passageway just to the right of it. You can climb out here to get air and warm up. Now, jump in the water again and swim underneath the submersible where you'll find an opening you can climb into. There's a large medipak inside. Now you're aiming for a small opening between the two lights on the wall below the sub. Swim through that opening ...

Tags: Tech, Mines, Part

indoor kerosene heater

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