Monday, 6 June 2011

Just Say NO to the census (and government) - Round Two

Just Say NO to the census (and government) - Round Two Video Clips. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

If only all government bureaucrats, they were good when I tell them I do not want their services. Kathleen has been exemplary in their friendly nature and their willingness to accept my refusal of consent. If the government of the people to want to leave in peace, you must cease to obey. This is a difficult thing to do, and it is foolish to just jump in the deep part of the non-cooperation, saying no to a good start population census is disobedience. Have your camera or audio recorder in hand anddo not be rude or mean. These people are mostly just people looking for a job, not government are the aggressors. You probably do not realize the money for their checks from coercion and fraud. Learn more about the government's withdrawal of consent application society action

Tags: census, no, refusal, consent, federal, government, liberty, voluntarist, voluntaryist, free, keene, state, project, libertarian, anarchist, anarchy

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